
On land and sea
CMN NAVAL > Sustainability

Everyone at CMN NAVAL is responsible for preserving our planet, pursuing more than ever the development of new green technologies, and continuing to push innovation boundaries to protect our seas. We have developed dedicated programs at our shipyards that raise awareness daily. We will continue to push our global and local strategy to adapt to the environmental challenges we face today.


Tree challenge

Today, we have planted more than 10,000 trees to offset carbon emissions throughout France; we have set the goal to plant 100,000 trees by 2050 to make it a better world for generations to come.


ISO 14001 Certificate

CMN NAVAL is committed to excellence in managing the environmental impacts arising from our core business, especially in relation to sea protection.

We have set up a colour-coded waste management system, which allows us to sort waste as close as possible to its point of origin, leading to more efficient treatment.

CMN NAVAL aims to obtain the ISO 14001 certificate.

Health and Safety at Work

ISO 45001 Certificate challenge

Preserving the health of our employees is our top priority! 

Preventive measures have been implemented at CMN NAVAL to ensure compliance with the obligations of the French Labour Code and guarantee safe working conditions for our employees.

CMN NAVALs aims to be certified ISO 45001 within three years.

Center of Excellence

CMN NAVAL, EDF, Naval Group, and Orano initiated a project to develop professional welding, piping, and boiler-making training.

The project continues the Welding action with the same goal while seeking to optimize local resources and gather partners by relying on innovative and pedagogical devices.
This Center of Excellence is an attractive territory for the Normandie Region of France.


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